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In-House or Agency: Which SEO Team is Best for Your Company?
Having an SEO-optimized website can bring a plethora of benefits to your company. These include boosting your web traffic, ranking higher on search engine results, generating more sales, and converting more leads to customers. But the real question is, who's going to build this for you.

Why Small Businesses Need to Prioritize Digital Marketing in 2022
People use the internet every day to access communication, entertainment, research, and other information. In 2020, global e-commerce sales surpassed 4.2 billion U.S. dollars. Your target audience is on the internet during the day, whether you want to sell them things or not.

Everything to Know about Long-Tail SEO and Its Benefits
Long-tail SEO is a vital element of any search engine optimization strategy. It directly impacts your returns from digital marketing efforts and affects the overall growth of your enterprise. Given this, long-tail SEO is something you should pay attention to and invest in. Read on to learn everything you must know about this tool and how you can take advantage of its benefits.

What to Know When Going From Local to National SEO
When creating an SEO-friendly campaign, it's important to know whether you need to incorporate local or national SEO tactics, though some businesses may use both. But what's the difference between the two, and how does that impact your digital marketing approach?

Local SEO Tips to Follow From an SEO Agency in Frisco
Search engine optimization (SEO) has always been the go-to marketing tactic that various brands and advertisers have used for many years. It is an organic, reliable, and cost-effective way to generate leads.

Everything You Need to Know about Data Aggregation
Anyone with experience managing marketing campaigns on Facebook and Google Ads knows that it’s incredibly time-consuming to gather all of the data from each platform. There’s a better way to streamline the process and save marketers two dozen hours every week: platforms like Improvado, Adverity, and Panoply help marketers do this. We're going to take a closer look at what exactly data aggregation is and how it benefits your company.

6 Crucial Steps in Managing Social Media for Your Business
If you want your brand to reach more people, you have to utilize social media. Social media has become integral to attracting more customers and keeping the existing ones in this digital age. It requires the proper strategy to succeed. Here are essential steps for the best social media management approach.

3 eCommerce SEO Best Practices You Need to Know About
The internet has become a powerful tool for businesses all over the world. This is especially true for the eCommerce industry as customers can now purchase products and services with just a click of a button. This is why it isn’t at all surprising to know that global online sales have grown by 71%. And while this is good news for the eCommerce industry as a whole, this has also made the eCommerce industry one of the most competitive industries in the world.

What Is On-Site and Off-Site SEO and How to Implement Them
You might have been researching a lot about search engine optimization when you came across the concepts of on-site and off-site SEO. If you think you already know what SEO is about, there is so much more to it than you might have researched for. Sure, search engine optimization is all about finding the right keywords that affect and determine your site's searchability online. Still, the concept of on-site and off-site SEO is quite different.

Top 4 SEO Trends Your Business Needs to Prepare for in 2022
Search engine optimization (SEO) trends naturally change over the years. Algorithms change all the time due to evolving innovation in emerging technologies.
While search engines like Google change their algorithms to serve the users better, voice search is rapidly changing the SEO landscape. 2022 is only a month away, and it's time to prepare for SEO changes that might affect your business.

Fix These 7 Usability Errors for a Better User Experience
Several design standards and guidelines are available, but one that is sometimes overlooked is the usability component. We all want websites to dazzle and impress visitors, but we also need them to perform appropriately.

6 Advantages of Partnering with a Digital Marketing Firm
Working with a digital marketing firm has several benefits, which can help you scale your operation. If you’re still doubtful, we've produced a list of the top six benefits of employing a digital agency for your business.

How to Launch a DIY SEO Strategy to Boost Your Business
You may not have much experience constructing and optimizing websites that boost your brand online. Even though you've heard much about Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and its benefits to your brand, your first impulse may be to hire a professional. On the other hand, a do-it-yourself (DIY) approach may not be a bad option.

4 SEO Benefits to Having a Well-Structured Website
Recently, Google’s John Muller hinted in a Webmaster Hangout that a hierarchical site architecture gives Google better indicators on what a website’s pages mean and how each of them is related and connected. In other words, a well-structured website significantly improves your SEO traffic and conversion.

Our Tips For Building an SEO-friendly Landing Page
If your landing page prioritizes search engine optimization (SEO), then the chances of your website being found in search engine results pages (SERPs) are high. Understandably, creating a landing page can be tricky, but the good news is that there are methods to make things easier for you.
What exactly are some tips that can help in building an SEO-friendly landing page?

4 Basic Ways You Can Optimize Online Content with SEO
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) plays a vital role in content marketing programs by making your content visible on search engines like Google and Bing. If not optimized for search, content can be challenging to find, and customers won’t discover your articles.

5 Core Web Design Elements That Have Taken Over 2021
In 2021, we are well within the bowels of the digital landscape. Everywhere you turn, there is a screen in sight. You’d also be hard-pressed to find a place with absolutely no means of connectivity. As consumers become intertwined with this silicon world full of wireless connections and instant gratification, website design takes on an even more important role for businesses.

How Local SEO Helps Small Businesses Improve Rankings
For a small business like yours, your customer base is limited to prospects in your area. For instance, it wouldn’t do you any good if your store comes up in the search results of someone from a different state because they’re not going all the way to your store to buy your product. So, local SEO focuses on improving your ranking in local search engine results pages (SERPs) to grow your business effectively.

5 Ways Website Designers Can Design an Improved Website
Web design isn’t only about making a website look good. It should also dictate how usable, functional, and easy it is to use. People nowadays are keener with how a website lays out in front of them, making web designers work hard to make the best website possible. But for web designers, what are the best practices they can do to ensure an excellent and effective website?

4 Strategies to Boost Traffic to Your New Website
You must use the correct digital marketing strategies to boost website traffic, a significant challenge for website owners. How can you hustle in a digital context to keep customers coming back to your website? Here are some useful strategies to consider: