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5 Core Web Design Elements That Have Taken Over 2021

5 Core Web Design Elements That Have Taken Over 2021

In 2021, we are well within the bowels of the digital landscape. Everywhere you turn, there is a screen in sight. You’d also be hard-pressed to find a place with absolutely no means of connectivity. As consumers become intertwined with this silicon world full of wireless connections and instant gratification, website design takes on an even more important role for businesses.

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5 Ways Website Designers Can Design an Improved Website

5 Ways Website Designers Can Design an Improved Website

Web design isn’t only about making a website look good. It should also dictate how usable, functional, and easy it is to use. People nowadays are keener with how a website lays out in front of them, making web designers work hard to make the best website possible. But for web designers, what are the best practices they can do to ensure an excellent and effective website?

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4 Web Design Changes That Will Boost Your Online Presence

4 Web Design Changes That Will Boost Your Online Presence

Businesses nowadays are always on the lookout for ways to maximize their online presence. And while there are several ways to go about doing this, one of the best ways to make the most out of your online platform is by making sure that your website design is on point.

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5 Website Design Tips for Small Businesses for a Solid Online Presence

5 Website Design Tips for Small Businesses for a Solid Online Presence

Putting up a website is one thing; designing it that represents your core values as a brand is another. Web design indeed plays a crucial role in your business’ success; therefore, taking the time to work on the best website design is important. Where do you begin?

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3 Helpful Website Maintenance Practices To Increase Traffic

3 Helpful Website Maintenance Practices To Increase Traffic

Many business owners think that having a website is enough to generate organic traffic and attract new customers. However, this common misconception only resulted in the loss of profit and waste of money. It’s important to know what you must do after the launch of your website. And if you’re unsure how to handle things from there, below is a guide on some helpful practices for website peak performance and increased visibility.

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How to Expand Your Church Through the Power of SEO

How to Expand Your Church Through the Power of SEO

With the way the world has rapidly grown and changed just over the last five years, so many other aspects of our lives have adapted to a more “techy” approach to living. And the church is not exempt from that. People aged 35 and below are more likely to Google something first before anything. That goes for where to eat, what to do, and where to go to church.

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The Importance of Service Area Pages in Your SEO Strategy

The Importance of Service Area Pages in Your SEO Strategy

Search engine optimization (SEO) can be complicated because the landscape is changing almost constantly. Local SEO can be even harder. You might have found that it’s harder to rank a local business. It takes time to get the results you want—maybe about four to six months before you see any organic improvements. The key is just to make do with what you have and do your best with it.

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Comparing Web Design Services and DIY Website

Comparing Web Design Services and DIY Website

In today’s modern world, a business may not survive with a website. From big to small companies, not having a solid web presence creates many obstacles. This is why you must prioritize creating your business website as you launch your new brand. However, you must first know what to do.

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Redesigning Your Website Without Suffering From SEO Calamities

Redesigning Your Website Without Suffering From SEO Calamities

Redesigned websites all too frequently lead to an SEO disaster, such as loss of ranks, traffic, and sales. As you invest effort and money in launching, do so without missing the critical component: SEO. If you leave SEO out, typical website errors will reveal themselves.

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3 Effective Strategies to Improve Your Local SEO: A Guide

3 Effective Strategies to Improve Your Local SEO: A Guide

Local search engine optimization (SEO) is an integral part of running a small business on a local or regional level. It focuses on the search engine results pages (SERPs) of a specific location and relies on a brand’s marketing efforts for its products and services.

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The Basics of SEO for Product Descriptions

The Basics of SEO for Product Descriptions

Most high-volume online retailers know that SEO plays a massive role in delivering organic traffic and increasing sales, too. However, for someone new in the industry, these things can still seem unclear. Perhaps you, too, are wondering how SEO can help your e-commerce business.

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SEO Mistakes: 3 Blunders You Need to Fix to Improve Your Performance

SEO Mistakes: 3 Blunders You Need to Fix to Improve Your Performance

In this digitally-oriented world, making your mark online is one of the driving cornerstones of success for modern businesses. This means every professional venture needs an online presence to build an audience, but competing for their attention is a losing battle without any marketing strategy to help you stand out from an overcrowded, virtual space.

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What You Need to Know About Local SEO for Your Business

What You Need to Know About Local SEO for Your Business

Getting your business to rank higher on search engines is essential in garnering traffic and building a more substantial online presence. When more people discover your site and visit it, you can get more customers and, in turn, more sales. But how can local businesses improve their digital presence?

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An Informative Guide About Building Local Citations

An Informative Guide About Building Local Citations

Put simply, a local citation is a term used to describe any mention online of your business's name, address, and phone number. Many SEO experts believe that it's a key factor to rank for local SEO. There are many places that citations appear in—social networks, business directories, and more. As long as it's a place where people search for information on local businesses, citations will appear.

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Three Essential SEO Factors to Consider in Web Design
Digital Marketing, web site design Michael Rodriguez Digital Marketing, web site design Michael Rodriguez

Three Essential SEO Factors to Consider in Web Design

Web design’s two main goals are to make a website easy to navigate and incorporate the many visual branding elements into the layout, theme, and other elements. It also plays a crucial role in search engine optimization (SEO), a digital marketing strategy that focuses on increasing organic traffic on a website.

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3 Common Mistakes Businesses Make in Digital Marketing in 2021
Digital Marketing, web site design Michael Rodriguez Digital Marketing, web site design Michael Rodriguez

3 Common Mistakes Businesses Make in Digital Marketing in 2021

There are so many benefits to digital marketing. If you’re a brand and looking for ways to boost your online presence, you need to ensure your digital marketing strategies are on the right track. However, digital marketing can get tricky, especially with the new trends that keep popping out of nowhere. With this, many people still don’t do it right. Therefore, it takes away the chance to get the most out of it. If you’re one of them, here are some of the common mistakes business owners make with digital marketing:

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Factors to Help Drive Your Web Traffic and Gain More Customers in 2021
Digital Marketing, web site design Michael Rodriguez Digital Marketing, web site design Michael Rodriguez

Factors to Help Drive Your Web Traffic and Gain More Customers in 2021

Every business that depends on a website to expand its online reach is most likely relying on other digital marketing methods too. You could be applying social media marketing, search engine optimization, pay-per-click ads, and more, but you still aren’t getting the results you want to improve your web traffic and gain more customers. One of the reasons why your brand is still stuck in place could be your lack of initiative to learn how to apply an effective website design to your primary platform.

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The Common Myths Surrounding a Site's Web Design
Digital Marketing, web site design Michael Rodriguez Digital Marketing, web site design Michael Rodriguez

The Common Myths Surrounding a Site's Web Design

One major contributing factor to a website’s audience traffic is its web design. A page of text may contain the necessary information, but it isn’t going to draw the eyes of your viewer. It’s important to use a variety of elements to organize information in a logical manner, giving the audience a reason to stick around and see what your site has to offer.

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Our Guide: 4 Ways Local SEO Will Benefit Your Business in 2021
SEO, Digital Marketing Michael Rodriguez SEO, Digital Marketing Michael Rodriguez

Our Guide: 4 Ways Local SEO Will Benefit Your Business in 2021

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the organic way of ranking your website higher in the search engine results page (SERPs) environment. It is done by optimizing your web pages using proven and tested digital marketing strategies. SEO won’t cost you a lot because you don’t have to pay Google for any promotion because you are doing it manually. Aside from that, it provides a long-term result to your business website.

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